Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Review About Another Book From Indie Author John Green

Okay so here is another review for all of you people out there and if you have either seen, read, listened to any of his books, watched the channel vlogbrothers,  have a tumblr, or liked his facebook page you maybe familiar with this author and his debut book. Now for those of you who don't know who this is, or what the book is this is my summary/review. Okay enough with the rambling on my part so here's the low down this is Looking for Alaska by John Green the same guy who wrote The Fault in Our Stars. Like I said before this is his debut book came out in March of 2005 had a lot of controversy at the time due to the explicit content through out the book but it was incredibly pointless controversy in my opinion because this stuff is out there anyway but that's just me and aside from the point. So to give all of you a brief summary of the book it is centered around three teenagers at a boarding school in Alabama whose names are Miles "Pudge" Halter, Alaska Young, and Chip "The Colonel" Martin who are always challenging the Dean of Students Dr. Stern aka "The Eagle" as named by the Colonel and Alaska. And from their experiences of sex, smoking, drinking and being in high school as a whole. All three of them alongside their two other friends Takumi  Hikohito and Lara Buterskaya are in search of escape from "the labyrinth" and finding "the great perhaps". So that's the summary not going to give to much detail because don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it. Okay so review overall very well written, very relate able I think there is a little bit of all five in all of us. I do believe that the book is very much a classic John Green book. I can say although there is a lot of stuff that you may have to take some time to process, it is worth reading or listening to for those of you who are like me and are always running around crazy and can't sit down to read the book. So that's everything about the book that is my review I will be posting another John Green review soon and I will link off his facebook page, youtube channel, his tumbr and the link to the audiobook. And one quick bonus piece of info if you liked his page on facebook or you've been on tumblr recently you may know this but for those of you who don't know there is a movie that is being made of the book and when that comes out I will see than review it for all of you. I will see all of you soon and remember you can't be too indie :).

Facebook page:

Youtube channel:


Looking for Alaska Audiobook: