Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Indie Love Story of Two Cancer Patients and Now a Major Motion Picture Review Part 1


So as promised I have found yet another captivating and intriguing love story that does not have the typical, mainstream interpretation of love. The Fault in Our Stars  is the kind of love story that although is centered around two cancer patients, but is not the mainstream downer society has placed on cancer patients. I have listened to the audiobook and I have to say that it is one of the most bittersweet and tragic love story I have ever heard. So the book is about the fair Hazel Grace Lancaster and the handsome Augustus "Gus" Waters and their love that travels from a support group, to a home visit to watch V: For Vendetta, to Amsterdam, and back to the U.S. between a worn out author, a level of intimacy and a returning cancer. Now I know you all must be like "What about the movie?" well unfortunately it doesn't come out until June 6th :(. However I will post a follow up review on the movie when I see it. 

Here is the link to the audiobook:

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