Friday, July 11, 2014

Latest Review About Another Book From Indie Author John Green

Okay so here is another review for all of you people out there and if you have either seen, read, listened to any of his books, watched the channel vlogbrothers,  have a tumblr, or liked his facebook page you maybe familiar with this author and his debut book. Now for those of you who don't know who this is, or what the book is this is my summary/review. Okay enough with the rambling on my part so here's the low down this is Looking for Alaska by John Green the same guy who wrote The Fault in Our Stars. Like I said before this is his debut book came out in March of 2005 had a lot of controversy at the time due to the explicit content through out the book but it was incredibly pointless controversy in my opinion because this stuff is out there anyway but that's just me and aside from the point. So to give all of you a brief summary of the book it is centered around three teenagers at a boarding school in Alabama whose names are Miles "Pudge" Halter, Alaska Young, and Chip "The Colonel" Martin who are always challenging the Dean of Students Dr. Stern aka "The Eagle" as named by the Colonel and Alaska. And from their experiences of sex, smoking, drinking and being in high school as a whole. All three of them alongside their two other friends Takumi  Hikohito and Lara Buterskaya are in search of escape from "the labyrinth" and finding "the great perhaps". So that's the summary not going to give to much detail because don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it. Okay so review overall very well written, very relate able I think there is a little bit of all five in all of us. I do believe that the book is very much a classic John Green book. I can say although there is a lot of stuff that you may have to take some time to process, it is worth reading or listening to for those of you who are like me and are always running around crazy and can't sit down to read the book. So that's everything about the book that is my review I will be posting another John Green review soon and I will link off his facebook page, youtube channel, his tumbr and the link to the audiobook. And one quick bonus piece of info if you liked his page on facebook or you've been on tumblr recently you may know this but for those of you who don't know there is a movie that is being made of the book and when that comes out I will see than review it for all of you. I will see all of you soon and remember you can't be too indie :).

Facebook page:

Youtube channel:


Looking for Alaska Audiobook:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars Review Part 2

So this is my part 2 of my Fault in Our Stars review and I saw the movie last Saturday with my cousin for our girls day and I have to say that this was just as beautiful and sad as the book and was overall a very well written movie. And I cried like a big baby so it is a tear jerkier. The Shailene Woodly and Ansel Elgot did a phenomenal job at playing Hazel and Gus. However there were many parts of the book that were either changed or removed completely but it is still a very good movie I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars and the music heard in the previews for the most part is actually heard in the movie and the soundtrack is also very well written there are many amazing indie and alternative musicians such as Ed Sheeran, Birdy, Jake Bugg, Grouplove I will point out that one of the songs is a Swedish rap song so your not going to understand a word unless you google it. Overall I recommend going to go see and for you ladies where waterproof makeup you will cry a lot and guys if you are going with your girlfriend or with one your friends who is a girl bring tissue and be prepared to hear a lot of crying. Well that's all bye guys.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Indie Love Story of Two Cancer Patients and Now a Major Motion Picture Review Part 1


So as promised I have found yet another captivating and intriguing love story that does not have the typical, mainstream interpretation of love. The Fault in Our Stars  is the kind of love story that although is centered around two cancer patients, but is not the mainstream downer society has placed on cancer patients. I have listened to the audiobook and I have to say that it is one of the most bittersweet and tragic love story I have ever heard. So the book is about the fair Hazel Grace Lancaster and the handsome Augustus "Gus" Waters and their love that travels from a support group, to a home visit to watch V: For Vendetta, to Amsterdam, and back to the U.S. between a worn out author, a level of intimacy and a returning cancer. Now I know you all must be like "What about the movie?" well unfortunately it doesn't come out until June 6th :(. However I will post a follow up review on the movie when I see it. 

Here is the link to the audiobook:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

One of the Best Indie Book Turned Movie Highly Reccomend It


So to be brutally honest when I first saw the preview to the movie it caught my eye in an instant. So it's basically about this freshman who meets these two seniors who take him under their wings. I don't want to give you a lot of details about it, because it'll take the effect away from it. But I will be honest, I worked backwards. I saw the movie first than recently listened to the audio book mostly because I don't have the resources to get the book. I have to say I don't usually don't relate well to a lot things but this book and movie was different. It was one of the few things that I could genuinely enjoy and relate to. As cheesy as it is the extensive amount of teenage angst with sex, drugs, music, and time with friends comes through out all high school. I have to say if you watch and listen to it every year in high school especially during senior year you'll see things in a different light. Now I can't say many parents would totally enjoy either because they don't want to accept the fact that sometimes it's what their children feel. That's my review there's nothing else to say. Here is the link to the audio book: the movie should be easy to find.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Indie and Prom

So it is that time of year again, yup it's prom season. The time where everyone gets hyped right before graduation and where everyone is getting their dresses and stuff. And last but not least the time where everyone wants to wear heels. However I am faced with an interesting dilemma...I want to wear converse with my dress but everyone thinks I'm crazy. However a few people do agree that it is a unique idea, but everyone else not so much. So I ask all of you how would this dress look if it had converse like these.


Quote of the Day


Just a little something for the indie mind. Also a reminder for all mainstream people.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy Valentines Day

Hey guys so in honor of the most commercialized holiday of the year, I wanted wish everyone a happy valentines day and hope that you've had an awesome one this year. But if you're like me and didn't have a valentine, it's ok you still have your friends and you'll find that special someone sooner or later. So don't fret. No pun intended. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Year, New Look, and New Music

So it's been a while but I will say first off happy late new year to everyone. And for me in honor of this new year I went with a new look...the red ombre look. However it is unfortunately now fading into an orangery-brown color not as pretty but it is something. Look at the pictures. I also being and indie musician have experimented with my personal sound and ended sounding very folk-rock which is saying something considering my uncle said one of those songs should be in a Toyota commercial: here's link link to mine and the other awesome bands But anyway would love to hear about anyone else's new year, look or new anything unless it's something that my have that #thatawkwardmoment then I don't wanna know.